نام و نام خانوادگی:یکتا عبدالله پور
import turtle # bg screen_1 = turtle.Screen() screen_1.title("Ping-Pong Game") screen_1.bgcolor("green") screen_1.setup(width = 1050, height = 650) # Left paddle left_paddle = turtle.Turtle() left_paddle.speed(0) left_paddle.shape("square") left_paddle.color("Red") left_paddle.shapesize(stretch_wid = 6, stretch_len = 2) left_paddle.penup() left_paddle.goto(-400, 0) # Right paddle right_paddle = turtle.Turtle() right_paddle.speed(0) right_paddle.shape("square") right_paddle.color("Blue") right_paddle.shapesize(stretch_wid = 6, stretch_len = 2) right_paddle.penup() right_paddle.goto(400, 0) # Ball of circle shape hit_ball = turtle.Turtle() hit_ball.speed(45) hit_ball.shape("circle") hit_ball.color("white") hit_ball.penup() hit_ball.goto(0, 0) hit_ball.dx = 5 hit_ball.dy = -5 # Score left_player = 0 right_player = 0 # Displaying of the score sketch_1 = turtle.Turtle() sketch_1.speed(0) sketch_1.color("blue") sketch_1.penup() sketch_1.hideturtle() sketch_1.goto(0, 260) sketch_1.write("Left Player : 0 Right Player: 0", align = "center", font = ("Courier", 24, "normal")) # moving paddle def paddle_L_up(): y = left_paddle.ycor() y += 20 left_paddle.sety(y) def paddle_L_down(): y = left_paddle.ycor() y -= 20 left_paddle.sety(y) def paddle_R_up(): y = right_paddle.ycor() y += 20 right_paddle.sety(y) def paddle_R_down(): y = right_paddle.ycor() y -= 20 right_paddle.sety(y) # keys screen_1.listen() screen_1.onkeypress(paddle_L_up, "w") screen_1.onkeypress(paddle_L_down, "s") screen_1.onkeypress(paddle_R_up, "Up") screen_1.onkeypress(paddle_R_down, "Down") while True: screen_1.update() hit_ball.setx(hit_ball.xcor() + hit_ball.dx) hit_ball.sety(hit_ball.ycor() + hit_ball.dy) # All the borders if hit_ball.ycor() > 280: hit_ball.sety(280) hit_ball.dy *= -1 if hit_ball.ycor() < -280: hit_ball.sety(-280) hit_ball.dy *= -1 if hit_ball.xcor() > 500: hit_ball.goto(0, 0) hit_ball.dy *= -1 left_player += 1 sketch_1.clear() sketch_1.write("Left_player : {} Right_player: {}".format( left_player, right_player), align = "center", font = ("Courier", 24, "normal")) if hit_ball.xcor() < -500: hit_ball.goto(0, 0) hit_ball.dy *= -1 right_player += 1 sketch_1.clear() sketch_1.write("Left_player : {} Right_player: {}".format( left_player, right_player), align = "center", font = ("Courier", 24, "normal")) # Collision of ball and paddles if (hit_ball.xcor() > 360 and hit_ball.xcor() < 370) and (hit_ball.ycor() < right_paddle.ycor() + 40 and hit_ball.ycor() > right_paddle.ycor() - 40): hit_ball.setx(360) hit_ball.dx *= -1 if (hit_ball.xcor() < -360 and hit_ball.xcor() > -370) and (hit_ball.ycor() < left_paddle.ycor() + 40 and hit_ball.ycor() > left_paddle.ycor() - 40): hit_ball.setx(-360) hit_ball.dx *= -1[/dm_code_snippet]
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