نام و نام خانوادگی:یسنا بهرامی
import turtle from random import* turtle.screensize(canvwidth=900, canvheight=900,bg="snow") answer = 'y' while answer == 'y': level = turtle.textinput("Select a level : ", "1.Easy , 2.Hard (number)") n = 3 if level == '1': #marhale-1 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() if n == 0: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("1",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #data easy = ["اتوبوس","لاکپشت","افسرده"] #ijade dash va print an name = easy[0] charNumber = len(easy[0]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("O",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{victory hand}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(10,30) t2.write("\N{kissing face with smiling eyes}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance1 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 1 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance1 -= 1 if chance1 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance1 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") t9.clear() t9.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() #marhale-2 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("2",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = easy[1] charNumber = len(easy[1]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{nail polish}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("BACK",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance2 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 2 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance2 -= 1 if chance2 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance2 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() #marhale-3 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("3",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = easy[2] charNumber =len(easy[2]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{police officer}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("10",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance3 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 3 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance3 -= 1 if chance3 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance3 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t9.clear() t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 + chance3 t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() t9.clear() if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() #continue answer = turtle.textinput("continue","Do you want to continue?(y/n) ") if level == '2': #marhale-1 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("1",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #data hard = ["جوينده*يابنده*است","دهنش*بوي*شير*ميده","فيل*و*فنجون","مرغ*همسايه*غاز*است","يک*گوشش*دره*و*يک*گوشش*دروازه*است"] #ijade dash va print an name = hard[0] charNumber = len(hard[0]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{world map}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{pick}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(10,30) t2.write("\N{gem stone}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance1 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 1 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance1 -= 1 if chance1 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.speed(1) t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance1 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.speed(1) t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") t9.clear() t9.write(chance1,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() #marhale-2 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("2",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = hard[1] charNumber = len(hard[1]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{mouth}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{nose}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(10,30) t2.write("\N{baby bottle}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance2 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 2 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance2 -= 1 if chance2 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.speed(1) t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance2 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.speed(1) t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance2,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t9.clear() t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 t9.clear() t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() #marhale-3 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("3",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = hard[2] charNumber =len(hard[2]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{elephant}",font= ("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{hot beverage}",font= ("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance3 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 3 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance3 -= 1 if chance3 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance3 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance3,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t9.clear() t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 + chance3 t9.clear() t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() #marhale-4 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("4",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = hard[3] charNumber =len(hard[3]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.color("black") t2.write("\N{chicken}",font = ("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{bust in silhouette}",font = ("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(10,30) t2.write("\N{duck}",font = ("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance5 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance5,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 3 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance5 -= 1 if chance5 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance5,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance5 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance5,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t9.clear() t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 + chance3 + chance5 t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() #marhale-5 #level t8 = turtle.Turtle() t8.speed(10) t8.hideturtle() t8.penup() t8.goto(180,200) t8.color("yellowgreen") if n == '1': t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() t8.write("Level: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t8.goto(260,200) t8.color("violetred4") t8.write("5",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) #ijade dash va print an name = hard[4] charNumber =len(hard[4]) userList=["_"]*charNumber t1 = turtle.Turtle() t1.speed(10) t1.hideturtle() t1.penup() t1.goto(-350,-200) t1.color("cyan4") t1.write(userList,font = ("Arial",20,"normal")) #print emoji ha t2 = turtle.Turtle() t2.speed(10) t2.hideturtle() t2.penup() t2.goto(-150,30) t2.write("\N{ear}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(-70,30) t2.write("\N{door}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(10,30) t2.write("\N{ear}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) t2.goto(90,30) t2.write("\N{goal net}",font=("Arial",50,"normal")) #print chance ha chance6 = 5 t3 = turtle.Turtle() t3.speed(10) t3.hideturtle() t3.penup() t3.color("deeppink") t3.goto(-350,200) t3.write("Chances: ",font = ("Arial" , 22 , "normal")) t4 = turtle.Turtle() t4.speed(10) t4.hideturtle() t4.penup() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.color("darkgoldenrod") t4.write(chance6,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #barresi vojod dade while userList.count("_")>0: guess = turtle.textinput("Level 3 :","guess a character: ") for i in range(charNumber): if guess == name[i]: userList[i]=guess if name.count(guess) == 0: chance6 -= 1 if chance6 == 0: n = 0 t5 = turtle.Turtle() t5.hideturtle() t5.penup() t2.clear() t5.goto(-150,30) t5.color("red") t5.speed('slowest') t5.write("Sorry you lost! " , font = ("Arial" , 40 ,"normal")) t5.goto(-100,0) t5.write("Correct answer: ",font = ("Arial" , 20 ,"normal")) t11 = turtle.Turtle() t11.hideturtle() t11.penup() t11.goto(100,0) t11.color("violetred4") t11.speed('slowest') t11.write(name,font=("Arial",20,"normal")) break t4.clear() t4.goto(-220,200) t4.write(chance6,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t1.clear() t1.write(userList,font=("Arial",16,"normal")) if chance6 != 0: n = 1 t6 = turtle.Turtle() t6.hideturtle() t6.penup() t2.clear() t6.goto(-150,30) t6.color("green") t6.write("*You win :)* ",font = ("Arial" , 50 ,"normal")) t6.goto(-150,0) t6.color("springgreen2") t6.write( " Your rating from this step : ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t12 = turtle.Turtle() t12.hideturtle() t12.penup() t12.color("snow4") t12.goto(210,0) t12.write(chance6,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) #emtyaz t9.clear() t7 = turtle.Turtle() t7.speed(10) t7.hideturtle() t7.penup() t7.goto(-110,200) t7.color("salmon") t7.write("Your score: ",font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9 = turtle.Turtle() t9.speed(10) t9.hideturtle() t9.penup() t9.goto(50,200) t9.color("slateblue2") chance4 = chance1 + chance2 + chance3 + chance5 + chance6 t9.clear() t9.write(chance4,font =( "Arial",22,"normal")) t9.clear() #pak kardan safhe t1.clear() t2.clear() t3.clear() t4.clear() t8.clear() if n == 1: t12.clear() t6.clear() else: t5.clear() t11.clear() #continue answer = turtle.textinput("continue","Do you want to continue?(y/n) ")[/dm_code_snippet]
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